[ please note that everything here is almost certainly x-posted to my LiveJournal, which is where most of my friends still are, and/or to my JournalFen account, and/or IJ account! I post the less personal stuff here so those who don't have journals at those sites can still read 'em, if they want to. Apologies if you're seeing something a hundred times! ]
From this thread between me and Emily came a sudden urge to show off a very infrequently discussed passion of mine: CARS.
Most of my closest friends probably have no idea that I actually know about cars. And I don't mean I can recite the specs of every limited edition around the world or anything, but I'm no dummy when it comes to the fast and the furious. My ex, Doug, used to take me to the Toronto International Auto Show every single year, and I got quite an education; we were still going to them long after we broke up.
And thus I am here to list my absolute favourite cars of all time, and to ask what you guys would drive if money was no object!
If you don't belong to LiveJournal, here's the gist of what I said to Emily about my own particular favourite: the Jaguar XJ220.
"Oh, LET'S [pool our money and buy one together]! We can have it on alternate weeks & visit each other every weekend to par-tay! I like this idea...
A photo of one of the few existing XJ220s:
Couldn't find one in 'my colour', sadly. (I have a Hot Wheels of it in Lilac. Sigh. And my high school sweetheart built me a model in Midnight Blue.) But they're also gorgeous in black, green, blue, red, and even burgundy!"
So now you know all about my one true love. But that's not to say I wouldn't take a fire-engine red Lamborghini Diablo or a black Lotus Elan in a heartbeat.
Thoughts on your dream car(s)?